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4° Trofeo
Tutto Pronto per il 4° Trofeo Ucciali Fishing Team
Benvenuti nel sito web dell’Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica UCCIALI’ FISHING TEAM , nata dall'amore per il Mare e composta da amici ed appassionati della pesca sportiva , affiliata FIPSAS - CONI

Risultati finali 4° Trofeo Le Castella

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Ucciali Fishing Team

CF n° 91048020795 sez Kr Coni Reg. n°211149

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3° Trofeo 2016 English Version

Download Documents

Elenco Partecipanti


The Ucciali Fishing Team from Le Castella of Isola Capo Rizzuto (KR), is pleased and honored to communicate, the organization of the 3rd "LE CASTELLA CATCH & RELEASE 2016" TROPHY , an "Open" sport fishing tournament on the beach, in the discipline of Surf Casting/Shore Angling in pairs (Box with 2 anglers), and this year became an international event, because has been included, in to the new international trophies circuit of Surf Casting / Shore Angling, called "GOLDEN LEAGUE".

This year, our SurfCasting competition , will allow all anglers to participate with the individual score acquired, by adding up the scores with those obtained in other G.L. competitions in the world (Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Tunisia and Albania) without additional cost, to the Golden League Championship 2016, which will bring the best, to the world final, to determine who will be the Golden World Champion!

Also the winners of the trophy , will conquer both automatically , access to world final matter for individual.

The actual competition, is open to all fans about the shore angling and also whose membership is open to non- federal members, technically maintain the winning formula of previous years and will take place in pairs with two rods per angler, who is aged 12 years and over, regardless of gender, and will place Saturday, May 21, 2016. The race field "Main SENIORS" will be on the beaches of the resort Turrazzo Cutro and the sector "Promo U21 - JUNIORS" will be on the beach of the Annunciation in Le Castella of Isola Capo Rizzuto, in front of our magnificent Aragonese castle, on the beautiful Ionian coast of Calabria, in the province of Crotone.The tournament itself will be held from 17:30 to 22:00 (then part at night), with the practice of "No Kill, catch & release", for the scrupulous release the fish alive in respect of the marine environment,after the marking through the system "Experimental and Innovative" prepared by FT Ucciali in collaboration with biologists of the Public authority – Marine Protected Area “Capo Rizzuto” , the conversion factors as length / points, broken down by species catchable and obtained on a scientific basis and always in compliance with federal directions.

In links below, you will find the section on forms and exclusive agreements, the discounts, as well as the regulation, following which will be drawn up charts of the area (with honors) and an "absolute / general" is the trophy that the Golden League, from which will be awarded with great prizes institutional (trophies and medals), technical (fishing tackle) and promotional (typical), the best 21 pairs classified, and with special prizes (best foreign Anglers Team, Best Open pair, fish longer, all the fisherwomen. Fisherman younger and more "aged").

Each participant will also receive various gifts including enrollment:

  • Pack the amazing ballast by Fonderia Roma;
  • An original commemorative Patch by Uccialì Fishing Team ,
  • Picnic lunch (snack and water bottle) to consume during the competition, offered by Ucciali FT;
  • Other technical gadgets and gourmet gifts.


Each participant must be in compliance with federal insurance for participation in sporting events, and thus, for amateur fishermen, non- federal members, will be set up a station for the signing of the same, which will be borne by the organizers and offered for free by the team Uccialì FT.Whether the rally (which will take place right from 10:00 on Saturday), that the award ceremony, there will be musical performances by DJs and entertainment events within the beautiful meeting facilities of the restaurant "The ARAGONESE" Le Castella, just in front of the castle in the sea, with a rich buffet and free tasting of local products for all, waiting for the draws of the tournament places on the beach for the fishing competition.

The initial phase of the meeting, then from 10:00 until 15:00, that is, until his departure for the beach, will be the focus of a first for an event of sport fishing, or the live broadcast in a broadcast dedicated regional issuer (listenable FM, with a free Android or IOS App online through the application - RadioStudio97 http://www.radiostudio97.it/ ) and on the Web Radio in Audio Streaming, with live sets and DJ station, right on the site of the meeting, involving interviews with the protagonists and informing listeners evolution event.

Further news will finally "live Score" even the competition itself, because through a dedicated App available to us organizers, the results of the catch and the trend of the scores and rankings ,will be updated live and transmitted on our website, allowing a consultation updates, minute by minute, also by smartphone, tablet or PC, as well as a stream of flash news, profiles of social Ucciali FT as Facebook updated daily, with the creation of the supplementary event FB.

After the award ceremony, which will take place on the stage set up in the meeting facilities, fully available for the event, we will be organized a fantastic final dinner in the special prize, with presenter as well as reward the winners, thank all the partners of the trophy.

All news will be promptly notified on our website or on our Facebook fun page!

We wait, and for any information, please contact us at all our contact details, we will be at your disposal for any clarification you want.
